35 Reasons For Business Failure.
1. Building Something That People Don't Need.
2. Hiring Poorly Or Not The Right Team.
Wrong Hiring Leads to:-
- Disruptive
- Negative
- Costly
- Annoying
3. Lack of Focus
Stuck in Legal Issues
- Trademarks?
- Certificate?
- Papers?
- Contract?
- Word of mouth work?
- Raw work?
4. Failure to Execute Sales and Marketing.
- Right scheme
- Up-sell
- Cross-sell
- Re-Sell
- Pricing strategy
- Marketing
- Television
- FM radio
- Expensive methods
- Customers
- Digital campaigns
- Customer acquisition
5. Bad location
6.Getting outcompeted.
- Not tracking competitors Or too much competition
7. Not having the right partners or co-founders.
8.Cash burn or Not been able to raise money.
9. Not being able to execute a Pivot or not Learning from your failures.
- Improvement cycle
- Pivot
- J-Curve
- Learn from Failure
- Evolve
10. Raising too much money.
11. Lack of Planning.
- Mentor
- Coach
- Guide
- Trainer
12. Chasing investor, not a consumer
13. Leadership Or strategic Failure.
14. Wrong partners and alliances.
- Vendors
- Contractors
- Investors
- Partners
- Alliances
- Strategic alliances
- Cross-Promotion partners
- Barter-partners
"Weak manufactures lead to a weak product"
15. No Differentiation.
16.Wrong Business model.
17.No revenue model.
18. Overexpansion.
"Scale kills"
19. Bad Debts.
20. Macroeconomic Factors.
21. Slow Execution.
- Execute?
- Track?
- scoreboard?
- results?
- Review Accountancy?
22. Wrong Target and positioning.
23. Premature Scaling.
- Pilot, experimentation, and validation
- Scalability and Expansion
24. Ignoring the user's feedback.
- Platform
- -Public
- -Private
- E-mail
- Feedback form
- Phone call
- Meetings
- Reviews
25. Lack of profit or cash.
26. Wrong time to market.
27. Inadequate Inventory and management.
28. No passion.
29. Scaling without technology.
- Technology
- Manpower
- Office
- Factory
- Infrastructure
- Machines
30. Personal Use of Business Fund.
31. No succession Planning.
32. Failure to Identify Opportunity Gap.
"Future problem leads to new product"
33. Bad product Experience.
34. Un-Trained or Disharmonious Team Members.
35. LTVC(Long Term Value Of Customers).
- Repeat Customers
- Recurring Revenue
- Passive Income.
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