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How Will Business Grow After Corona Virus?

35 Reasons For Business Failure.

Business bankruptcy

1. Building Something That People Don't Need.

2. Hiring Poorly Or Not The Right Team. 

        Wrong Hiring Leads to:-

  •                Disruptive
  •                Negative
  •                Costly
  •                Annoying 

3. Lack of Focus

       Stuck in Legal Issues

  •                Trademarks?
  •                Certificate?
  •                Papers?
  •                Contract?
  •                Word of mouth work?
  •                Raw work?

4. Failure to Execute Sales and Marketing.

  •               Right scheme
  •               Up-sell
  •               Cross-sell
  •               Re-Sell
  •               Pricing strategy
  •               Marketing
  •               Television
  •               FM radio
  •               Expensive methods
  •               Customers
  •               Digital campaigns
  •               Customer acquisition

Bad Locations5. Bad location                                 

6.Getting outcompeted.

  • Not tracking competitors Or too much competition

7. Not having the right partners or co-founders.

8.Cash burn or Not been able to raise money.

  •               Cash burn
  •               Fundraising

9. Not being able to execute a Pivot or not Learning from your failures.

  •              Improvement cycle
  •              Pivot 
  •              J-Curve
  •              Learn from Failure
  •              Evolve

10. Raising too much money.

11. Lack of Planning.

  •             Mentor
  •             Coach
  •             Guide
  •             Trainer

12. Chasing investor, not a consumer

Customer focus

13. Leadership Or strategic Failure.

14. Wrong partners and alliances.

  •             Vendors
  •             Contractors
  •             Investors
  •             Partners
  •             Alliances
  •             Strategic alliances
  •             Cross-Promotion partners
  •             Barter-partners

                            "Weak manufactures lead to a weak product"

15. No Differentiation.

16.Wrong Business model.

17.No revenue model.

18. Overexpansion.


               "Scale kills"

19. Bad Debts.

20. Macroeconomic Factors.

  •              Earthquake
  •              Coronavirus

21. Slow Execution.

  •              Execute?
  •              Track?
  •              scoreboard?
  •              results?
  •              Review Accountancy?

22. Wrong Target and positioning.

23. Premature Scaling.

  •             Pilot, experimentation, and validation
  •             Scalability and Expansion

24. Ignoring the user's feedback.

  •             Platform
  •               -Public
  •               -Private
  •             E-mail
  •             Feedback form
  •             Phone call
  •             Meetings
  •             Reviews

25. Lack of profit or cash.

26. Wrong time to market.

27. Inadequate Inventory and management.

28. No passion.


29. Scaling without technology.

  •             Technology
  •             Manpower
  •             Office
  •             Factory
  •             Infrastructure
  •             Machines

30. Personal Use of Business Fund.

31. No succession Planning.

32. Failure to Identify Opportunity Gap.


           "Future problem leads to new product"

33. Bad product Experience.

34. Un-Trained or Disharmonious Team Members.

35. LTVC(Long Term Value Of Customers).

  •           Repeat Customers
  •           Recurring Revenue
  •           Passive Income.  

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